Urban Fair Trade LLC (U.F.T.), a company located in Strawberry Mansion Philadelphia, operates a “literacy service” for the betterment of reading skills and civic skills. We may be reached at ''

These services are posted at,,,,, and The sites are identical, with half located on servers in the Western Hemisphere and half in the Eastern Hemisphere.

There are no signups required for anything. We do not collect visitor information beyond the basic “country of origin”, “time and duration of visit” and “pages visited”. (In case we need to make adjustments to rectify capacity issues).

Our primary function is to remaster books and make them available for free, PDF downloads, but we also offer those same books for sale through Amazon®. If you visit Amazon®, you will become subject to their “Privacy Policy”.

Except for “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, we did not modify or censor any of this material. (We replaced an offensive word with “slave” or “black” depending on the individual circumstances of that word's use)

All books and documents archived on these sites had roles in the creation of modern, representative government, modern authoritative regimes and popular culture.

Individually, they represent both general and partisan points of view. Their importance lies in the way they blended together to create the systems that we have in the Twenty-First Century.

U.F.T. Is not affiliated with any political, religious, educational or business association. Our “agenda” is to open minds, not change them.

Almost all of the books and documents presented were, at one time, included in education curricula and considered appropriate for any age group.